Oppenheimer Theory: Indonesia is the Parent World Civilizations

Friday, November 12, 2010

Results of a study that concluded that Indonesia as the host of world civilization under the spotlight the researchers in Indonesia. Indonesian Institute of Sciences / Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) directly respond to the findings of Professor Stephen Oppenheimer, an expert on genetics and structure of human DNA from Oxford University in England as an interesting debate material to be disclosed to the public.

Dr. Hery Harjono, Deputy of Earth Sciences (GPA) of LIPI, reveals that interesting to look at research that says Indonesia is the world's early civilization. The analysis is often known as Oppenheimer theory essay written in the book titled "Eden in the East". According to him, these opinions can certainly be a reference for the Indonesian people to complement the various theories that have been developed.

"His theory is known as the Oppenheimer Theory which explicitly states that the ancestors of modern human civilization parent (Egypt, the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia) is derived from the Malay world that is often called the land of Sunda (Indonesia)," he said in a press release received Kompas.com , on Tuesday (10/27/2010).

He added that "Eden In The East" basing his conclusion on research conducted over decades. Doctors geneticist with the human DNA structure, he added, to research the structure of human DNA from modern humans existed for thousands of years ago to the present with the basic approach used in scientific disciplines of medicine, geology, linguistics, anthropology, archeology, and folklore.

Furthermore, Hery review that the book Prof. Dr. Stephen Oppenhenheimer assert Polynesian people (inhabitants of the Americas) is not from China as it posted in every history text books, but from the people who come from terrain that is missing from the islands of Southeast Asia.

The spread of culture and civilization, he added, because "great flood" that hit the earth at 30,000 years ago. "This is an interesting debate and controversy because of disagreement with previous theories," he concluded.

Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in collaboration with the horizon Publishing House held a national seminar entitled "Searching for Traces History: Indonesia Early World Civilization?" This seminar took place on 1st floor Widya Graha LIPI, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto 10 Jakarta on Thursday (28/10/2010) at 09.00 am.

The main speaker (keynote speaker) seminar is Jimly Ash-Shiddiqie, former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) RI. Then, guest speakers from Oxford University, England namely Prof. Dr. And Dr. Stephen Oppenheimer. Frank Joseph Hoff of the University of Washington. Meanwhile, other speakers are Prof. Dr. Sangkot Marzuki of the Eijkman Institute and Dr. Eko Yulianto of Research Center for Geotechnology LIPI.